How to donate

Canton Church Restoration Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization (EIN:57-1227417) dedicated to the preservation the historic Canton Church located in Broadwater County, Montana. Your donation is tax deductible.

While the Canton Church is owned by the Catholic Dioceses of Helena, CantonChurch Restoration Inc. is not affiliated with the Catholic Diocese. We are an independent organization that is dedicated to the restoration and maintenance of this historic building and its history. Any donations made to the Canton Church Restoration Inc. are used to maintain the church and do not go to the Catholic Diocese.

There are many ways to donate to the Canton Church Restoration Inc. organization:

  • Volunteer your time. The Canton Church organization meets every second Thursday (April through September). Contact us to find out how you can help at Contact Info
  • Many people donate a portion of their estate through their wills.
  • Your cash donation to the Canton Church Restoration Inc. organization goes to our operating fund and is used to fund the operation of the church: electric bills and maintenance of the church
  • Your cash donation to the Montana Community Foundation organization goes to a permanent endowment fund. This endowment is held by the Montana Community Foundation for the Canton Church Restoration Inc. organization.  The yearly interest in the fund goes to the Canton Church Restoration operating fund while the endowment fund remains intact.


Donations to both organizations go to the restoration and maintenenace of the Canton Church and both are tax deductible. To make a donation please use the following forms:

Please send the donation forms to:

     Canton Church Restoration Inc.

     P.O. Box 493

     Townsend, MT. 59644